Monday, August 8, 2011

I love to sit around with other members of the church who want to glorify God and who have been given creative gifts from God and together to craft plans and strategies for the church. I can walk away from such conversations with great anticipation in my mind and great zeal in my heart for God to bless our work for his name’s sake.

But there is a subtly deceptive, ultimately dangerous assumption inherent in doing things this way. The assumption is that God is somehow obligated to bless the plans we create. Yet nowhere in Scripture has God promised to bless my plans or anyone else’s in the church, no matter how innovative or creative they may be. Neither has God promised to bless us based solely on our motives. Sure, we are supposed to do everything for the glory of God, but that doesn’t mean everything we do for his glory is assured of his blessing.             
                            --David Platt, Radical Together

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