Dear Boston,
We love you and thank you for hosting us this beautiful weekend. You are fantastic and will not shortly be forgotten. Thank you for treating us so well, for your history, your beautiful weather, housing and fostering incredible thinkers and makers, one particularlly lovely lady, a baseball team and stadium so well-loved, and for making delicious beers, martinis, a touch of fall, and foder for Yelp!ing.
Darling city, please do not hesitate to call should you need an occupant, a letter of recommendation, or some fashion advice.
Miss Kerry A [and Company]

We did, ate, drank, saw, and talked so much. A blessed few days with spectacular weather and wonderful friends who remind me of what love is.

A short list of what we drank that was outstanding:
-Basil Lime Gimlet (!!!) and Stella 75 Martini at Stella
-"Bannana Bread" beer at The Other Side (Young's Chocolate Stout and a banana beer of some kind?) yum!
-Blueberry Beer and Peanutbutter Porter at Boston Beer Works
-Pumpkin beer (in mugs rimmed with cinnamon and nutmeg = delicious)
-Boston Cream Pie Martini(s) at Omni Parker House [incredible, soo yummy]

A short list of things we did and saw:
-The South End Market
-Beacon Hill
-Some of the Freedom Trail
-Fenway Park tour
-Rooftop party on Newbury Street
-Harvard Square
-Yousuf Karsh and Art Nouveau Jewelry exhibits at
The mfa-MassArt and
The Speaker Project-Wally's for blues and Guiness