1. Christmas cards from friends, especially with a picture.
2. ZYRTEC Allergy
3. John Varvatos Vintage fragrence
4. My perfect Vince cardigan, cozy and wonderful for every aspect of life. I have worn it almost every day and will continue to throughout the winter and spring I'm sure. (Also seen in the Thanksgiving episode of Brothers and Sisters on the brother's wife.)
5. The journal I created for Andy, which I think turned out marvelously and I wish I had taken some pictures of.
6. Hot coffee drinks, especially with Christmas cookies dunked in them.
7. Flossing twice daily for good oral health.
8. New [pajama] lounge pants on sale from the Gap, cozy, soft, lovely.
9. Finding out that I will be the Aunt to a NEICE.
10. It's a Wonderful Life: a new favorite movie.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Holiday Checklist Check!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
V on women
"I love a beautiful lady, I love a beautiful piece of furniture, I love beauty... I know what women want... they want to be beautiful."
-Valentino Garavani
Sunday, December 7, 2008
I hope you gnome where you're going
Andy's old roommate got a new roommate and they threw a housewarming party. Since they are two of a kind, they made it a twin themed party, and you had to wear matching ensembles with a buddy. Andy and I went as garden gnomes (NOT Elves, despite the holiday time of year, GNOMES, with a G). We were a hit. What you can't see in this picture is probably the best detail, aside from the hats which were key; I made Andy a little red pouch that attatched his belt (worn on the outside of his cardigan) which he filled with nuts and coins.


Sunday, November 23, 2008
10 Things That Make Me Happy
1. Chanel Vamp and OPI Vodka and Caviar nail polishes-- two reds that could take over the world and which equal a nail color for every situation.
2. Leave It Better Than You Found It by Bruce A. Nordstrom, which I am reading and loving.
3. Thanksgiving plans with friends who are my family, since family is far.
4. Valentino's Nuage bag, in black calfskin. Someone else, is going to get a steal on this bag and going to look fabulous with it for the rest of their life. How I wish it were me. As Valentino is retiring, this iconic bag will be even more special next year, and in the years to come.
5. Ultrasound photographs of my niece or nephew.
6. Tom Brosseau finally in my same city again, tonight!!
7. Brian Atwood Tonya pumps in purple suede.
8. Picnics
9. Clean sheets freshly put on the bed.
10. Church bells and fog horns heard from my bedroom window.
2. Leave It Better Than You Found It by Bruce A. Nordstrom, which I am reading and loving.
3. Thanksgiving plans with friends who are my family, since family is far.
4. Valentino's Nuage bag, in black calfskin. Someone else, is going to get a steal on this bag and going to look fabulous with it for the rest of their life. How I wish it were me. As Valentino is retiring, this iconic bag will be even more special next year, and in the years to come.
5. Ultrasound photographs of my niece or nephew.
6. Tom Brosseau finally in my same city again, tonight!!
7. Brian Atwood Tonya pumps in purple suede.
8. Picnics
9. Clean sheets freshly put on the bed.
10. Church bells and fog horns heard from my bedroom window.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
I try hard to keep an open mind in fairness, kindness, and in want of self-improvement. I don't even know where to begin my thoughts now.
I had a conversation tonight that broke my heart. It's good to know, that while I think I'm growing, and recognize that I am a work in progress, not everyone sees it that way.
While I put strong weight on the perception of me by others, the question now becomes: do I continue to be what I am and simply publish a more carefully edited version, or do I try to become more what other people want me to be?
I had a conversation tonight that broke my heart. It's good to know, that while I think I'm growing, and recognize that I am a work in progress, not everyone sees it that way.
While I put strong weight on the perception of me by others, the question now becomes: do I continue to be what I am and simply publish a more carefully edited version, or do I try to become more what other people want me to be?
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Oh Brian.

Brian Atwood and Tony Dear are a dangerous team. A winning team, but a dangerous one. Another case where I gave into lust, but man, are they fabulous.
Brian Atwood Purple Suede Tonya Pumps. In: my closet come Tuesday night, thank you very much.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
you + me + mistletoe
Things to include to my holiday to-do list are:
i. Ice skating at embarcadero plaza
ii. Find roasted chestnuts and eat them hot
iii. See the Barney’s and Macy’s (with puppies!) holiday windows
iv. Make mulled wine and watch “It’s a Wonderful Life”
v. Egg nog latte in a red cup held with two hands
vi. Attend lighting ceremonies around town, beginning with the Market Street Lighting on the 16th.
Sign-up sheets will be available in the foyer after the service.
i. Ice skating at embarcadero plaza
ii. Find roasted chestnuts and eat them hot
iii. See the Barney’s and Macy’s (with puppies!) holiday windows
iv. Make mulled wine and watch “It’s a Wonderful Life”
v. Egg nog latte in a red cup held with two hands
vi. Attend lighting ceremonies around town, beginning with the Market Street Lighting on the 16th.
Sign-up sheets will be available in the foyer after the service.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
because it's what i'm thinking.
I think it unreal and slightly shifted that California voters think that selfish and irresponsible 16 year old girls should be able to have abortions without parental notification but that consenting and loving adults should no longer be allowed the freedom to be committed to each other for life through civil marriage.
We the church chastise the gay community for their sexual escapades but refuse to realize that we are a significant part of their uncommitted sexual lifestyle. We refuse to recognize them as citizens entitled the same rights to enter into a legal covenent of love and committment, with more severe consequences to infidelilty. More importantly, how the Bible defines marriage should be completely irrelevant to our legislature.
I'm so glad we are able to lead the way with a high-speed train, but cannot set the example with committing to civil liberties. California is not as forward-thinking as it would like to think.
We the church chastise the gay community for their sexual escapades but refuse to realize that we are a significant part of their uncommitted sexual lifestyle. We refuse to recognize them as citizens entitled the same rights to enter into a legal covenent of love and committment, with more severe consequences to infidelilty. More importantly, how the Bible defines marriage should be completely irrelevant to our legislature.
I'm so glad we are able to lead the way with a high-speed train, but cannot set the example with committing to civil liberties. California is not as forward-thinking as it would like to think.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
H-A-LL-O-W-EE-N Spells Halloween.
THIS was a great Halloween. I love Halloween. It's a contender for favorite days of the year, especially when you have friends like mine who throw awesome parties and come up with clever costumes. Fan-freakin-tastic, I must say.
See how they run!

David takes my milkshake, two blind mice, and Larry Byrd

We carved an Exploding Dog pumpkin and WON funniest pumpkin in the contest Andy's building at work sponsored.
See how they run!

David takes my milkshake, two blind mice, and Larry Byrd

We carved an Exploding Dog pumpkin and WON funniest pumpkin in the contest Andy's building at work sponsored.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Happy 27th Birthday
10 Things That Make Me Happy
1. Saying it best
In seventeen syllables
Is an obsession
2. Dinner parties on warm evenings with warm friends
3. Boston cream pie martinis
4. Rain boots
5. Fall cooking with squash
6. feathers
7. my flatware and it's prescence in my life again
8. Dark and rich colored dahlias in beautifully constructed boquets
9. Handmade jewelry with found/rebirthed items
10. pretty dresses and cozy cardigans
1. Saying it best
In seventeen syllables
Is an obsession
2. Dinner parties on warm evenings with warm friends
3. Boston cream pie martinis
4. Rain boots
5. Fall cooking with squash
6. feathers
7. my flatware and it's prescence in my life again
8. Dark and rich colored dahlias in beautifully constructed boquets
9. Handmade jewelry with found/rebirthed items
10. pretty dresses and cozy cardigans
Monday, October 20, 2008
We are the stars of San Francisco
Sometimes I feel so happy about my life that I want to just scream. (In a few days life at work is going to get so full and creep over the rest of my life like a fungus that suffocates a plant.) Perhaps insert background Mates of State song gleefully bounding out happiness.
Praise the Lord for my spirit which is renewed and for the joy I'm finding in life these days. May was a little shakey, June was a rough one, July broke my spirit, August was a blessing, September full of lessons and sunshine, and October has started so well and continues, brimming with hope.

I live here. Come join please.

Unexpectedly went dancing Saturday night which ended up being the best and fullest night. I've missed dancing and I've missed adventures, the random nights are the best. After dancing til wee hours we were sweaty and went in search of sprinklers at my favorite park. Instead what we found was a soapbox car and race lane left over from that afternoon's Soapbox Derby (I so love my city). We of course pushed it onto the street and up the hill to ride down. The second time we went higher, and got busted by the 5.0. It's okay, the Po' can't hold us down.

"One more night, that was a good one." -Stars
Praise the Lord for my spirit which is renewed and for the joy I'm finding in life these days. May was a little shakey, June was a rough one, July broke my spirit, August was a blessing, September full of lessons and sunshine, and October has started so well and continues, brimming with hope.
I live here. Come join please.
Unexpectedly went dancing Saturday night which ended up being the best and fullest night. I've missed dancing and I've missed adventures, the random nights are the best. After dancing til wee hours we were sweaty and went in search of sprinklers at my favorite park. Instead what we found was a soapbox car and race lane left over from that afternoon's Soapbox Derby (I so love my city). We of course pushed it onto the street and up the hill to ride down. The second time we went higher, and got busted by the 5.0. It's okay, the Po' can't hold us down.
"One more night, that was a good one." -Stars
Friday, October 17, 2008
sorry to say you're not going to meet your husband this weekend.
Dear Boston,
We love you and thank you for hosting us this beautiful weekend. You are fantastic and will not shortly be forgotten. Thank you for treating us so well, for your history, your beautiful weather, housing and fostering incredible thinkers and makers, one particularlly lovely lady, a baseball team and stadium so well-loved, and for making delicious beers, martinis, a touch of fall, and foder for Yelp!ing.
Darling city, please do not hesitate to call should you need an occupant, a letter of recommendation, or some fashion advice.
Miss Kerry A [and Company]
We did, ate, drank, saw, and talked so much. A blessed few days with spectacular weather and wonderful friends who remind me of what love is.

A short list of what we drank that was outstanding:
-Basil Lime Gimlet (!!!) and Stella 75 Martini at Stella
-"Bannana Bread" beer at The Other Side (Young's Chocolate Stout and a banana beer of some kind?) yum!
-Blueberry Beer and Peanutbutter Porter at Boston Beer Works
-Pumpkin beer (in mugs rimmed with cinnamon and nutmeg = delicious)
-Boston Cream Pie Martini(s) at Omni Parker House [incredible, soo yummy]
A short list of things we did and saw:
-The South End Market
-Beacon Hill
-Some of the Freedom Trail
-Fenway Park tour
-Rooftop party on Newbury Street
-Harvard Square
-Yousuf Karsh and Art Nouveau Jewelry exhibits at The mfa
-MassArt and The Speaker Project
-Wally's for blues and Guiness

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
My heels are high, my eyes cast low.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Shepard Fairey show at White Walls Gallery
through Oct. 4
Critics call Shepard Fairey unoriginal because he recycles images he has not created, but I find his work incredibly amazing and exciting; powerful and beautiful, his message combined with the detailing makes me think. Mostly it excites and inspires me.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
small men must keep silence
Therefore, my dear Sir, I could give you no advice but this: to go into yourself and to explore the depths whence your life wells forth; at it's source you will find the answer to the question whether you must create. Accept it as it sounds, without enquiring too closely into every word. Perhaps it will turn out that you are called to be an artist. Then take your fate upon yourself and bear it, it's burden and it's greatness, without ever asking for that reward which might come from without. For the creator must be a world for himself, find everything within himself and in nature to which he has attached himself.
--Rainer Maria Rilke [February 17, 1903]
--Rainer Maria Rilke [February 17, 1903]
Friday, September 26, 2008
my thursday was better than yours
Pretty sure. Thank you SF Moma and great company.

Frida Kahlo exhibit.
Serious highlights from the rest of the night:
Half-Life of a Dream: Contemporary Chinese Art from the Logan Collection
"This is the land of dreaming, in which the context is vivid, but the particulars are hard to grasp." --Jeff Kelley

I love this Rothko, and my time spent sitting in front of it.
From the permanent collection.
This is how I understand the world and what it feels.
This is how I see/meet/know.

Frida Kahlo exhibit.
Serious highlights from the rest of the night:
Half-Life of a Dream: Contemporary Chinese Art from the Logan Collection
"This is the land of dreaming, in which the context is vivid, but the particulars are hard to grasp." --Jeff Kelley

I love this Rothko, and my time spent sitting in front of it.
From the permanent collection.
This is how I understand the world and what it feels.
This is how I see/meet/know.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
I'm an aunt!!
The Adventures of Baby Stenz
The Stenslers are going to be parents, and I am going to be an aunt, I'm going to be an aunt, I'm going to be aunt!!
The Adventures of Baby Stenz
The Stenslers are going to be parents, and I am going to be an aunt, I'm going to be an aunt, I'm going to be aunt!!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
he was deep like a graveyard, wide like tv
things at home are coming together. today was a great day of making things beautiful-- in my home and out. i love this wall.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Radiohead is for something special.
There is a list of people I do not know (as well as several I do know) whom I feel permanently indebted to for the affect they have had on my soul.
Thom Yorke is definitely on that list.
"i dont wanna be your friend, i just wanna be your lover, no matter how it ends no matter how it starts. forget about your house of cards and i'll do mine."
Thom Yorke is definitely on that list.
"i dont wanna be your friend, i just wanna be your lover, no matter how it ends no matter how it starts. forget about your house of cards and i'll do mine."
Autumn blew the quilt right off the perfect bed she made.
I've been called "different" by several boys on multiple occasions lately, and it's piqued some thought in me. Phrases have included "intriguing," "a-typical," "not-cookie cutter," and the ever unifying word "different." It occurred to me earlier this summer how interesting it is that so few years ago we aimed for homogeny, being like everyone else, fitting in while now we strive for the opposite, to be unique, noticeable, distinct; I drive at my own created style and signature touch.
Even tho it has been my unrealized goal to be different, my inability to attract or retain a boys attention, and the recent comments on my being "different" begs the question of is different an attractive quality or a hindrance to getting a date? Where is the line drawn between different-attractive and different-weird? Also, if I'm so different, why do I attract the same type of boys?
Even tho it has been my unrealized goal to be different, my inability to attract or retain a boys attention, and the recent comments on my being "different" begs the question of is different an attractive quality or a hindrance to getting a date? Where is the line drawn between different-attractive and different-weird? Also, if I'm so different, why do I attract the same type of boys?
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Man on Wire
"If I die, what a beautiful death to die in the exercise of your passion." --Philippe Petit
Absolutely tremendous. Exciting and beautiful. Everything I'd hoped it to be.
Philippe Petit on Wikipedia
And: I got promoted today. I am now the Narrative Manager at San Francisco Centre. woot. I start Tuesday.
Thanks Krista for leaving me your job. Miss you already.
Absolutely tremendous. Exciting and beautiful. Everything I'd hoped it to be.
Philippe Petit on Wikipedia
And: I got promoted today. I am now the Narrative Manager at San Francisco Centre. woot. I start Tuesday.
Thanks Krista for leaving me your job. Miss you already.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Boots all dirty, sexy and thin
Oh MAN, Ryan Adams rocked me again, how he does me right. He always delivers and last night was absolutely no exception. I sold my extra ticket and went alone, so it was all mine. They played until 1:30am, (started at 10:15) and I danced all, danced all, danced all night. YES. I love how he absolutely brings the rock, and everyone danced, because you just can't not. He and those Cardinals man, they know how to do it.
Set highlights (and he played two sets) include:
*Beautiful Sorta
*Shakedown on 9th ST
*Cold Roses
*When the Stars go Blue
*Easy Plateau
Ultimate happiness, feeling and life is a Ryan Adams show.
He gets me through.
Monday, August 18, 2008
We layed about in our summer skin

Last Sunday Court's baby shower showed off this little gal in her belly (and Courtney is so darling pregnant).
Home to San Diego for a few days of sunshine and good friends. So great to catch up with people I love, and relax, take it easy in their presence, knowing they care for and understand me. (Hmm, why didn't any of the boys take pictures with me?) A week of non-stop chatting, catching up, and loving every minute of it, especially these girls:

Time at the Sousa beach house felt like a true vacation, late warm nights of Olympic watching, waking up to sun and salt water, with no pressure of running errands, making lunch dates, or getting things done except spending time with this best girl, and her husband and my new four-legged sidekick Baxter:
Friday, August 15, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
JAWS in 3D
YES. I love Dolores Park, I love movies outside, I love picnics, and I love Shi-town. Tonight was movie in the park night, and this month it was in Dolores Park, and JAWS, IN 3D. (Which didn't end up really working out for me. Perhaps it was the glasses, perhaps it was the lack of my own glasses? Perhaps perhaps perhaps.)
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
words on pages
Goodnight Unaccustomed Earth you were every bit as wonderful as I knew and hoped. I shut your covers, leave your pained but dreamy love stories, and sink myself into Dark Star Safari. Oh Theroux, envelope me in your adventure until I can one day have my own.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Yesterday was such a good day:
I signed up for another season of kickball!
I bought a plane ticket home to San Diego to see good friends and shower Courtney and Baby Christenson, to get a little sunshine with Casey as she recovers, and to catch up with my wonderfully missed friends. Aug 7-13 will hopefully be 5 days of straight sundresses.
I wore super hot shoes that made me feel fabulous.
I have a place to live! The first choice that at first chose someone else, chose me second. I'm on my way over now to drop off my deposit.
Met up with long lost family, my mom's cousins and their daughters whom I have not seen since I was maybe 2? They are fun, and dinner was fantastic!
THEN, met up with the girls for a well-deserved night of dancing since we all FINALLY have a day off of work today.
This month's excersise in trust and dependencey feels like it is working out, and I feel thankful for the understanding.
Friday, July 25, 2008
I have a very strong urge right now to open my thrid floor bedroom window and drop my gum out it, which is most unusual indeed as I am NOT a litterer.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Call The Loop
Michael Munoz and I saw each other in the hall as we were leaving for the day. We started goofing around a bit over our green, and we took this picture, to my amusement and Michael's mocking, of us blending into the wall. Oh we are a riot.
Call The Loop, if they new what was good for them they'd add us in next quarter. Their photo shoots have nothing on us in our natural habitat, I tell ya.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Recycled air
Sometimes I feel like the rest of the world is passing me by as I live on a different plane.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
pretty eyes, pirate smile
I am finally home in San Francisco again and wonderfully tucked into bed between my favorite clean sheets. Man, what five days. And these last two: Spokane = hot. hotter than I anticipated. How I love my fam. I wish I saw more of my cousins, they are terrific girls. I will try to be better at it. Spokane also = charming. I almost got caught up enough to think about living in a big small town like Spokane, especially while my cousins are there. I think I have enough sense of myself to know that I would be unsatisfied once I finally got settled in, tho it makes the Pacific Northwest almost seem to raise it's voice from the whisper it's been, to a conversational level.
Clair is married, and her wedding was beautiful (tho chaotic and full of suprises to get to that state. Good to know that I have come to a point where I can handle the crisis and assess, compose, teach, delegate and fully realize a solution. I was a bit proud of myself for how I was able to really do something, and do it well.), and she looked amazing. I am excited to see what this chapter in her life will bring, and when it will include paragraphs perhaps titled "We thought no, but He thought yes: Two Become One Become Three." HA!
And I can't believe I took NO pictures. None with the cousins, the fam, of all my handwork, of cute Spokane, NONE! I think i need a new camera that works well and I enjoy using so I can get back in the habit of taking pictures of everything.
Clair is married, and her wedding was beautiful (tho chaotic and full of suprises to get to that state. Good to know that I have come to a point where I can handle the crisis and assess, compose, teach, delegate and fully realize a solution. I was a bit proud of myself for how I was able to really do something, and do it well.), and she looked amazing. I am excited to see what this chapter in her life will bring, and when it will include paragraphs perhaps titled "We thought no, but He thought yes: Two Become One Become Three." HA!
And I can't believe I took NO pictures. None with the cousins, the fam, of all my handwork, of cute Spokane, NONE! I think i need a new camera that works well and I enjoy using so I can get back in the habit of taking pictures of everything.
You're a wolf boy
On the plane home today I composed this list of some of my adventure goals for my life. I am itching for a new adventure, especially as dealing with my current life and trying to deal with all the things going on in it right now makes me so tired and fingernail-less.
-Drive to Alaska
-Visit all 7 continents
-LIVE in another country.
-Purchase and use an Around the World ticket
-Road trip across the US
-Climb a mountain
-Find the lace I'd like for my veil
-Cross something via boat
-Go on a Honeymoon
-See (if not pass through) the Panama canal
-Meet a penguin and maybe pat it on the head
-Hike the Inca Trail
-Run a marathon
-Make my way overland from Cairo to Capetown
-Drive to Alaska
-Visit all 7 continents
-LIVE in another country.
-Purchase and use an Around the World ticket
-Road trip across the US
-Climb a mountain
-Find the lace I'd like for my veil
-Cross something via boat
-Go on a Honeymoon
-See (if not pass through) the Panama canal
-Meet a penguin and maybe pat it on the head
-Hike the Inca Trail
-Run a marathon
-Make my way overland from Cairo to Capetown
Sunday, July 20, 2008
I am le tired.
-I might be the tiredest person ever. I am a zombie.
-I had so much coffee yesterday that my stomach cramped on the way home from work. (Double-shot at 5pm to make it through the last two hours, and it took it's toll. Today I am trying to be wiser about a) how much I consume and 2) the manner in which I do it.)
-I have a total of 11 hours of sleep over the last three nights, and logged more than three times that many at work.
-The house I wanted to live in most chose someone else who is not me last night. (Lame. I am better.)
-Tonight after work I fly up to Spokane to see the fam for a few hours and witness my dear cousin and her almost husband make the biggest committment of their lives, and then hopefully shake a little down with my other darling cousin.
-I have left so much neglected lately in all my haste. I can't wait to have things settled and a place to live so I can properly catch up on life and other people. I have so many letters to write, I should not be wasting my words here.
-July is so very cold in San Francisco, and I have been freezing. I look forward to a day of heat and sundresses in Washington.
-I forgot to check in online foro my flight until this morning and got a B. bleh.
-I am le tired and cannot nap until 8:15pm after the flight attendants prepare for takeoff.
-I had so much coffee yesterday that my stomach cramped on the way home from work. (Double-shot at 5pm to make it through the last two hours, and it took it's toll. Today I am trying to be wiser about a) how much I consume and 2) the manner in which I do it.)
-I have a total of 11 hours of sleep over the last three nights, and logged more than three times that many at work.
-The house I wanted to live in most chose someone else who is not me last night. (Lame. I am better.)
-Tonight after work I fly up to Spokane to see the fam for a few hours and witness my dear cousin and her almost husband make the biggest committment of their lives, and then hopefully shake a little down with my other darling cousin.
-I have left so much neglected lately in all my haste. I can't wait to have things settled and a place to live so I can properly catch up on life and other people. I have so many letters to write, I should not be wasting my words here.
-July is so very cold in San Francisco, and I have been freezing. I look forward to a day of heat and sundresses in Washington.
-I forgot to check in online foro my flight until this morning and got a B. bleh.
-I am le tired and cannot nap until 8:15pm after the flight attendants prepare for takeoff.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Moschino Cheap and Chic
I'm returning this most lovely dress today. It is a responsible decision but one I am so so sad to make.
(It's special and silk and Moschino and so will probably not be worn much. It snaps up the side with tiny little snaps, which, if I eat too much and then dance, will come unsnapped. That means either its too fussy, or likely that i would replace it with a zipper, which runs me to the dilemma of altering the nature of this incredible Italian dress, and the concept as the designer saw it, which is controversial in my mind and heart. --probably no one else's but it is to me.)
I adore the print. it's in celedon and black. the dress makes me feel so dainty and femme, it's such a party dress. and it has pockets.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
All I want to do with my life is travel and fall in love.
Friday, July 11, 2008
ready go:
-Sometimes when i leave my house and walk through the streets past the bakeries and shops and restaurants I pretend I'm in Italy or Paris. {It doesn't really feel like spain, but its okay.)
-My mom has lately been expressing her desire for me to be settled and today it made me realize just how much I don't want the life she wants for me. The idea of buying a house right now is absolutely the last thing I want. I don't even want to sign a cell-phone contract right now (because it commits me to being in the US for two more years). While I want to plan things, and agree that I want stability to help me cry less, the idea of being in the same life and place for the next 20 years makes me want to cry more. I don't want that life yet. Maybe in a few years I'll feel differently but now all I long for is adventure, and someone to have it with and to count on.
-my camera doesn't like to work on command any more, and how I wish it did lately. There are so many things I would like to have pictures of to post here:
-last night on my way home at 11:00pm people were camped out in a line in front of the apple store downtown. this morning on my way to work at 10am it had become two and a half blocks long up Stockton to Union Square. really?? a boy took a picture from market street up. I wished I had a camera that worked with me.
-I actually really like living here. Really. Yesterday was a lovely day spent walking around North Beach. I ate lunch and spent the afternoon in a cafe doing some office work I brought home, sipping soup and a glass of zinfandell with a salad and my schematic. I'm really sad to leave my new apt in two weeks.
-I'm terribly nervous I won't find a place to live by the end of the month and dreading having to move again. This time I will try to ask for help. As it turns out I have a pretty hard time with that.
-I have not cried in two days and I consider this an accomplishment.
-I have yet to meet boys who I feel compare to the boys I've known for so long, who care for and about me, and encourage me with their words and hugs and give me hope in finding a husband. As much as I hate on Escondido, Praise God for the boys that hail from it and their continued presence in my life.
-wow, I got unexpectedly asked out tonight and while i would really love to go out and talk and get to know him better, really really ache to have good conversation with someone, I'm just not attracted to him. I wish I could be better at casually dating.
-I love it when things are cleverly named (like Extreme Pizza's menu, or my Dogwood martini at Blondies)I had a fruit tart and tea tonight at a dessert and coffee shop so cleverly named "Tart to Tart." It was delicious.
-My mom has lately been expressing her desire for me to be settled and today it made me realize just how much I don't want the life she wants for me. The idea of buying a house right now is absolutely the last thing I want. I don't even want to sign a cell-phone contract right now (because it commits me to being in the US for two more years). While I want to plan things, and agree that I want stability to help me cry less, the idea of being in the same life and place for the next 20 years makes me want to cry more. I don't want that life yet. Maybe in a few years I'll feel differently but now all I long for is adventure, and someone to have it with and to count on.
-my camera doesn't like to work on command any more, and how I wish it did lately. There are so many things I would like to have pictures of to post here:
-last night on my way home at 11:00pm people were camped out in a line in front of the apple store downtown. this morning on my way to work at 10am it had become two and a half blocks long up Stockton to Union Square. really?? a boy took a picture from market street up. I wished I had a camera that worked with me.
-I actually really like living here. Really. Yesterday was a lovely day spent walking around North Beach. I ate lunch and spent the afternoon in a cafe doing some office work I brought home, sipping soup and a glass of zinfandell with a salad and my schematic. I'm really sad to leave my new apt in two weeks.
-I'm terribly nervous I won't find a place to live by the end of the month and dreading having to move again. This time I will try to ask for help. As it turns out I have a pretty hard time with that.
-I have not cried in two days and I consider this an accomplishment.
-I have yet to meet boys who I feel compare to the boys I've known for so long, who care for and about me, and encourage me with their words and hugs and give me hope in finding a husband. As much as I hate on Escondido, Praise God for the boys that hail from it and their continued presence in my life.
-wow, I got unexpectedly asked out tonight and while i would really love to go out and talk and get to know him better, really really ache to have good conversation with someone, I'm just not attracted to him. I wish I could be better at casually dating.
-I love it when things are cleverly named (like Extreme Pizza's menu, or my Dogwood martini at Blondies)I had a fruit tart and tea tonight at a dessert and coffee shop so cleverly named "Tart to Tart." It was delicious.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
g is for goodbye.
oh how i have so many thoughts right now, if i had the time and energy i would write about them all, but i havent. For now i will, of course, write a little list in my fashion lest i forget these things on my heart.
-tonight is my last night in what has been my first home in San Francisco,
the beginning of my adventure, where I fully believe i did not come to or happen to "find myself" but believe rather that it is because i already know who i am, that i know (and knew) this is where I needed to be. While the company has been with mixed feelings, living with each of them has helped me to who I am now and where my mind and heart are, and for that i am very thankful. So much has happened for me while nesting within these walls, and leaving is bittersweet.
-tommorrow night will be my first night in my new north beach apt,
and I will write again, i feel full of hope and very forward looking. tonight i got a little excited after picking up my new keys.
[this will be taken care of in the next few days]
-a conversation i had tonight and one i had friday night made me thankful for my kind friend who cares for and wants the best for me. tonights words gave me food for thought and put fridays into realized encouragement.
-it also only solidified the lonliness i feel in missing people who understand me. I have made good friends, but i am pained by how they shut me out and weep over how little it seems they really get me.
-i ache for someone to know and love me.
[that sounds so shamefully weak right there but it my at this moment honesty. so much so that i contemplate deleting every few seconds. I swear i dont always feel that statement, but i do right now.]
-i listened to a secret song of mine tonight, and realized that it gives me such hope. that others do not know it's significance to me lets me continue to think of it as what it is to me, plus it's precious words remind me of what i hope for.
-i fear he will never love me.
(i wish i could make these words in the smallest font known to man, as that is how it sits in my mind, but in the spirit of right now honesty, and for my own history i will leave it.)
i'm so tired and have to work early, and move all day. i'm already far past irresponsible on sleep, as well as on this move, and am still very anxious about. i'm hoping that i'm tired enough to finally get some sleep, and cant wait until i'm all moved tomorrow and will actually be able to sleep without all the worry.
-tonight is my last night in what has been my first home in San Francisco,
the beginning of my adventure, where I fully believe i did not come to or happen to "find myself" but believe rather that it is because i already know who i am, that i know (and knew) this is where I needed to be. While the company has been with mixed feelings, living with each of them has helped me to who I am now and where my mind and heart are, and for that i am very thankful. So much has happened for me while nesting within these walls, and leaving is bittersweet.
-tommorrow night will be my first night in my new north beach apt,
and I will write again, i feel full of hope and very forward looking. tonight i got a little excited after picking up my new keys.
[this will be taken care of in the next few days]
-a conversation i had tonight and one i had friday night made me thankful for my kind friend who cares for and wants the best for me. tonights words gave me food for thought and put fridays into realized encouragement.
-it also only solidified the lonliness i feel in missing people who understand me. I have made good friends, but i am pained by how they shut me out and weep over how little it seems they really get me.
-i ache for someone to know and love me.
[that sounds so shamefully weak right there but it my at this moment honesty. so much so that i contemplate deleting every few seconds. I swear i dont always feel that statement, but i do right now.]
-i listened to a secret song of mine tonight, and realized that it gives me such hope. that others do not know it's significance to me lets me continue to think of it as what it is to me, plus it's precious words remind me of what i hope for.
-i fear he will never love me.
(i wish i could make these words in the smallest font known to man, as that is how it sits in my mind, but in the spirit of right now honesty, and for my own history i will leave it.)
i'm so tired and have to work early, and move all day. i'm already far past irresponsible on sleep, as well as on this move, and am still very anxious about. i'm hoping that i'm tired enough to finally get some sleep, and cant wait until i'm all moved tomorrow and will actually be able to sleep without all the worry.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
and from your lips she drew the hallelujah
she tries she wins and
i don't play but sometimes
i almost get lost figuring out where
my own worth comes
from Him not him and hot
tears and sweet coffee poured
into my cup and out
of the emptiness which
has a shape i know precisely
and chose repeatedly not to
fill my time and heart
wasted on pain not bread
where exactly is the tether
these days
she tries she wins and
i don't play but sometimes
i almost get lost figuring out where
my own worth comes
from Him not him and hot
tears and sweet coffee poured
into my cup and out
of the emptiness which
has a shape i know precisely
and chose repeatedly not to
fill my time and heart
wasted on pain not bread
where exactly is the tether
these days
Friday, June 13, 2008
my graffiti will be with a can of spray paint. keep your eyes down and looking for it. can: heros. among other things.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Poem Store
I bought this poem from a kind boy on the Haight Street Fair sidewalk today for four well-spent dollars:
its blue but not sad
rather japanese named
after the battery and
assult charges the
ribbon doesnt ever
end but it does get
twisted and is soon
about to break
the bank of making
a living with antiquity
I don't know his name *(I do now, he is Zach Houston), just cloudsoftoday@yahoo.com which he wrote by hand at the bottom of the white label on which my poem was so quickly created. If I did know his name, I would become his fan and follow him, purchasing poems periodically. I tried and wanted so badly to take a picture of him and his little "shop," but my camera wasn't working properly. He had a small typewriter and a stool and on the case for his typewriter he had a sign: "the Poem Store." He was just setting up as I walked by, and said he would make a poem for me about whatever I wanted, I set the topic and the price. Being that I am in love with Courier and having such an affinity for typewriters, I asked for a poem about his typewriter. Minutes later I had this precious little paper filled with charming words in my sweet Courier by a boy with a beard and a typewriter.
I think it is my favorite purchase in a very long time; it makes me delightfully happy, and helps to alleviate the pain of my irresponsible sunburn. Thank you Sir.
its blue but not sad
rather japanese named
after the battery and
assult charges the
ribbon doesnt ever
end but it does get
twisted and is soon
about to break
the bank of making
a living with antiquity
I don't know his name *(I do now, he is Zach Houston), just cloudsoftoday@yahoo.com which he wrote by hand at the bottom of the white label on which my poem was so quickly created. If I did know his name, I would become his fan and follow him, purchasing poems periodically. I tried and wanted so badly to take a picture of him and his little "shop," but my camera wasn't working properly. He had a small typewriter and a stool and on the case for his typewriter he had a sign: "the Poem Store." He was just setting up as I walked by, and said he would make a poem for me about whatever I wanted, I set the topic and the price. Being that I am in love with Courier and having such an affinity for typewriters, I asked for a poem about his typewriter. Minutes later I had this precious little paper filled with charming words in my sweet Courier by a boy with a beard and a typewriter.
I think it is my favorite purchase in a very long time; it makes me delightfully happy, and helps to alleviate the pain of my irresponsible sunburn. Thank you Sir.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
listen to this
Of COURSE I have suggestions! I was asked by Jen if to only buy three CD's this month, what should she buy, this was my reply:
(granted, they are tailored to her, but truth is still truth)
1. Rilo Kiley: Under the Blacklight
2. Death Cab for Cutie: Narrow Stairs
3. Delta Spirit: Ode to Sunshine
Also excellent is:
Last years' Shins album, Wincing the Night Away, if you don't already have it, I would call that number 4 to buy --if you like the Shins.
Stars: Heart --an oldie but a greatie
The Cave Singers: Invitation Songs
The Snake The Cross the Crown: Cotton Teeth
Ray Lamontagne: Till the Sun Turns Black
The Magnetic Fields: I
Loney Dear: Loney, Noir
And The Weepies dropped a new album but I haven't bought it yet, I've only heard one song, but I love that and am SURE the album will be excellent.
And of course, Vampire Weekends self-titled full-length, man it is good and dancey.
(granted, they are tailored to her, but truth is still truth)
1. Rilo Kiley: Under the Blacklight
2. Death Cab for Cutie: Narrow Stairs
3. Delta Spirit: Ode to Sunshine
Also excellent is:
Last years' Shins album, Wincing the Night Away, if you don't already have it, I would call that number 4 to buy --if you like the Shins.
Stars: Heart --an oldie but a greatie
The Cave Singers: Invitation Songs
The Snake The Cross the Crown: Cotton Teeth
Ray Lamontagne: Till the Sun Turns Black
The Magnetic Fields: I
Loney Dear: Loney, Noir
And The Weepies dropped a new album but I haven't bought it yet, I've only heard one song, but I love that and am SURE the album will be excellent.
And of course, Vampire Weekends self-titled full-length, man it is good and dancey.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
so fresh and so clean clean
There is a new scent of clean to me. Well, two. With part of my tax refund, I treated myself to a helping of products from The Laundress, which I have been longing after for over a year. Gwen and Lindsey are women after my own heart who have created the most beautiful laundry products, specially formulated to care for your garments, get things clean, and look beautiful all together. I bought their Whites Detergent, their Signature Detergent, their Wool & Cashmere Shampoo, Stain Solution, a Wash and Stain Bar, and a small bottle of Crease Release.
Tonight I washed my whites, and they are so clean and smell so fresh, a new scent of fresh clean since I usually use 100% fragrance free detergents.
I also handwashed my cashmere; my scarves/pashminas, (man I love them) and my favorite argyle sweater. The cashmere shampoo is cedar scented, for obvious reasons, and I can't tell if its the wet cashmere, or the wet cashmere with cedar scent to it, but it smells like wet dog, but like clean wet dog. Like Rosie used to smell after she had been bathed, or while she was being bathed. I'm so excited for them to be cleaned. I watched The Laundress gals' video on how to best handwash your cashmere, and felt like such a pro.
I also made carrot soup tonight, it was SUCH a productive evening.
I am so in love with my new detergents, and with The Laundress in general even MORE now.
Tonight I washed my whites, and they are so clean and smell so fresh, a new scent of fresh clean since I usually use 100% fragrance free detergents.
I also handwashed my cashmere; my scarves/pashminas, (man I love them) and my favorite argyle sweater. The cashmere shampoo is cedar scented, for obvious reasons, and I can't tell if its the wet cashmere, or the wet cashmere with cedar scent to it, but it smells like wet dog, but like clean wet dog. Like Rosie used to smell after she had been bathed, or while she was being bathed. I'm so excited for them to be cleaned. I watched The Laundress gals' video on how to best handwash your cashmere, and felt like such a pro.
I also made carrot soup tonight, it was SUCH a productive evening.
I am so in love with my new detergents, and with The Laundress in general even MORE now.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Tonight after work, Lara and I walked down to the Mish for a Belgian beer at Frjtz on Valencia. It turns out they took Affligem away, which was the very best thing they had going for them (it was even on DRAUGHT!). Now they are just pretty inside. Anyway, while very sleepily walking home, I found this little bird confusedly hopping on the windowsill of a shop on Valencia, and repeatedly trying to fly into the window. So I tried to pick him up, and he let me! He was so tiny and sweet, soft and weighed nearly nothing, and the very best part: HE LOVED ME!! He didn't try to fly away, and I walked four blocks until we found some nice trees to put him in on 16th at Church. I had to practically force him into the tree he wanted to stay with me. I wish I could have taken him home and loved him forever, little Chester.
I am so dead tired. Tomorrow is girls day to Sex and The City!!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Muito bem obrigado
I watched City of God, finally, after having it sit on my dresser in it's red paper dress for nearly two weeks, and WOW. Intense: yes. Beautiful: YES. Interesting and captivating, brilliantly cut and beautifully shot, poignant and stingingly harsh; I couldn't help but LOVE it tremendously. I love the way it's told, broken into stories and the perpespective and how it pulls at you. Very well done. I can't WAIT for City of Men to come in July. WOW.
I immediately emailed Johnny, of course I couldn't help but think of him, our little Portuguese director-to-be, film-lover. How I hope he loves back.
Added bonus: all in Portuguese meant I got to hear and train my ear to that tricky rhythm and accent of the language that I'm not getting from the book or from not having anyone to practice speaking with.
SEE IT. And let's go to Rio, but not to the projects please.
I immediately emailed Johnny, of course I couldn't help but think of him, our little Portuguese director-to-be, film-lover. How I hope he loves back.
Added bonus: all in Portuguese meant I got to hear and train my ear to that tricky rhythm and accent of the language that I'm not getting from the book or from not having anyone to practice speaking with.
SEE IT. And let's go to Rio, but not to the projects please.
Monday, May 19, 2008
12K = 7.3 miles
Thank you San Francisco and ING for ripping off competitive runners and thank you competitive runners for paying the high price and making Bay to Breakers possible, you guys are the best.
Wow, those Kenyans are fast, and lean and have amazing legs. Wow, what is it with old men and the idea that it's okay to walk 12K on public streets naked? Wow my calves are soo sore from walking across this perfect city and running part of the Hayes Street hill in flip flops. Wow, really "How about in thirty seconds you and I will be making out?" is your LINE?? Yeah, lets wait that thirty seconds and SEE if we're making out, really.

Hippies. (kerry, ali, krista, julia, simona, natalie)

For someone who hates and is very uncomfortable with chaos, I love the chaos that is Bay to Breakers. I love that it is the cities biggest public party and that 80,000 people are walking/running the streets, spanning the entire length of this great city in a solid mass for hours. I love how creative people are with their costumes and floats, and how I walked into some random house on Fell and used their bathroom without them knowing, and then walked right back out again, that everyone who heard the heavy thud mourned for the group who's keg fell off their float as they turned the corner onto Hayes. I love the sense of community involved in one 12K long Sunday Funday, and that the whole city gets up at 6:30am to do it.
Peace and love man, peace and love.
Wow, those Kenyans are fast, and lean and have amazing legs. Wow, what is it with old men and the idea that it's okay to walk 12K on public streets naked? Wow my calves are soo sore from walking across this perfect city and running part of the Hayes Street hill in flip flops. Wow, really "How about in thirty seconds you and I will be making out?" is your LINE?? Yeah, lets wait that thirty seconds and SEE if we're making out, really.
Hippies. (kerry, ali, krista, julia, simona, natalie)
For someone who hates and is very uncomfortable with chaos, I love the chaos that is Bay to Breakers. I love that it is the cities biggest public party and that 80,000 people are walking/running the streets, spanning the entire length of this great city in a solid mass for hours. I love how creative people are with their costumes and floats, and how I walked into some random house on Fell and used their bathroom without them knowing, and then walked right back out again, that everyone who heard the heavy thud mourned for the group who's keg fell off their float as they turned the corner onto Hayes. I love the sense of community involved in one 12K long Sunday Funday, and that the whole city gets up at 6:30am to do it.
Peace and love man, peace and love.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Gimme your hand and lets jump out the window
It makes me happy how many people love and use Dolores Park like me.
These kids were having a paper airplane contest! Or at least they were lining up and throwing them repeatedly. Awesome:
Just a few days ago I was lamenting to my mom how I'm tired of being cold, and out of nowhere it's 90 degrees in the city and I'm sweating, thank you very much! For a few days it has been the most beautiful weather, though it began to turn a bit today, of course, because I finally got to not be at work all day. I left work at 2pm, and headed straight to Dolores Park and read outside. The Shins made for a perfect soundtrack, and when exhausted Delta Spirit lent a dancy hand, both only adding to elevate my mood, man I love The Shins. How I love it here. Dolores Park is the best, and it's mine. I love how everyone uses the parks here, and am glad to live so close to Dolores Park. It was a lovely day.
Tomorrow: Bay to Breakers!
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